
Certified Forensics & Fraud Investigation Services

Headquartered in Westerville, Ohio, WhereWolfe Intelligence is a digital forensic investigator that specializes in computer forensics, cell phone data recovery, hard drive device recovery, testimony and litigation services. We research a client's unique case, compile all relevant evidence, develop computer applications to manage the information and communicate our findings in a format that reduces the complexity to an easy-to-use, presentable format. It's as simple as that.

Forensic Accountant Columbus Ohio

Forensic Accounting

Converging on multiple specialties and disciplines, WhereWolfe Intelligence applies accounting principles to investigate insurance fraud, document financial misguidance and uncover white-collar crimes involving embezzlement, kickbacks, business disputes and non-competition agreements. Our accounting analysis looks beyond the numbers. We work with the business reality of the situation in order to contribute to the achievement of the client’s specific objectives. We learn the ins and outs of the business because, when it comes to finances, there's always a paper trail - and when there's a paper trail, there's answers to your questions, "Follow the Money."


Computer Forensics

Our computer forensic services can be used to collect evidence in cases involving:

  • Electronic Discovery
  • Legal Hold Notices
  • Intellectual property theft
  • Hard Drive Preservation & Drive Mirroring
  • Insurance fraud

These digital forensic investigation services can also be used in a business setting to help settle claims involving wrongful termination, corporate embezzlement, theft, harassment and more. Digging into the digital dumpster can lead to a number of invaluable answers - you just have to know where to look. For this reason, we utilize best-in-class EnCase technology, the leader in computer digital investigations and eDiscovery, to locate and preserve what you are looking for, regardless of where it may be buried.

Cell Phone Forensic Services

Cell Phone Forensics

The old adage is true: Even if you delete it, it's still out there. Our cell phone forensics services are complimented by the use of Cellebrite UFED Extraction Device that reliably sweeps cell phones and other mobile devices for invasive spyware and malware, while also locating digital evidence in the form of e-mails, texts and photo discovery that is present or has been previously deleted.

Have further questions about our forensic investigation services? Contact WhereWolfe Intelligence and we will equip you with the knowledge you need.