Top Private Investigators & Investigative Services

With decades of experience in civil & criminal investigations, corporate intelligence, security consultation and open source intelligence involving social media and background discovery, WhereWolfe Intelligence has built a reputation of excellence throughout Central and surrounding Ohio areas. We have the hardware, software, networking resources and industry expertise to uncover the facts that may be hiding out of plain view. Whether you're looking for risk mitigation for your business or you're compiling evidence for a civil or criminal defense, we have a catalog of services and break-through solutions to get the job done.


Litigation Support


Thorough litigation support, a seasoned private investigator increases the probability of success in the courtroom. As a reliable legal resource, WhereWolfe Intelligence performs the necessary fact-finding processes to bolster your claims and provide the best legal representation in civil, family law, employment law, liability defense, auto accidents, tort actions and criminal defense cases. When it's a matter of importance consult WhereWolfe Intelligence and arm yourself with acknowledgement of the truth.

Our litigation support services include:

  • Witness Interviews & Diagrams
  • Ethical Interrogations
  • Notarized Statements
  • Subpoena Delivery
  • Expert Testimony

When it's a matter of importance consult WhereWolfe Intelligence and arm yourself with acknowledgement of the truth.


Expert Investigation Services

Surveillance and investigation involve a great deal of preparation, planning, patience and tact. Throughout our decades of experience, we have mastered all these skills. Our team offers a full catalog of investigative services, including background checks, business and individual research, interviews, drug screenings, fingerprinting (digitized and rolled) and electronic sweeps. WhereWolfe Intelligence will approach your unique case with the precision, professionalism and meticulous detail necessary to support or, in some cases, debunk the claims at hand.

We are discreet. We are thorough. We are passionate about uncovering the truth.

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Computer Forensics Investigators

In the Information Age, some intelligence gathering can be performed with a simple Facebook, Instagram or Twitter search - after all, social media is the key to discovery. However, other cases require a bit more hands-on investigation. We are experts at digging below the surface to find the answers underneath. Employing the best in modern investigative technology and leveraging our years of experience, WhereWolfe Intelligence is able to locate and preserve the digital information you need to support your case.

Common Scenarios That Require Digital Forensic Investigation:

  • Accounting fraud
  • Embezzlement
  • Kickbacks
  • Insurance fraud
  • Non-compete agreements
  • Workers Compensation cases
  • Child custody disputes
  • Medical malpractice & negligence
  • Intellectual property disputes

Didn't find the information you were looking for? Contact WhereWolfe Intelligence today to learn more about our private investigation services, litigation support and digital forensic capabilities.

“There is nothing as deceptive as an obvious fact.”
— Arthur Conan Doyle